Home Remedies For Pneumonia in Older Adults

Pneumonia is an infection of the respiratory system that affects the lungs. In pneumonia, the lungs get filled with pus and fluid. Breathing becomes difficult, and the oxygen supply is limited. Pneumonia is a disease that requires early intervention. In mild cases, it can affect daily activities.

Can Pneumonia Be Treated at Home?

Mild cases of pneumonia can be treated with antibiotics and other medications prescribed by a physician, along with adequate rest, hydration, and home remedies. However, severe cases may require hospital treatment.

Home Remedies for Cough Caused by Pneumonia

When the lungs produce excess mucus, the body tries to expel this phlegm from the lungs by coughing. However, some helpful home remedies are listed below

1) Peppermint, Fenugreek, and Eucalyptus Herbal Teas

Soothing herbal teas can help soothe a sore throat, but herbs can be even more effective. These herbs dissolve phlegm and reduce inflammation and pain caused by pneumonia.

A tea made from ground fenugreek seeds can relieve a stubborn cough.
Tea tree oil and eucalyptus also relieve coughs. They can also be used in a diffuser.

2) Gargle With Salt Water

Mucus buildup in the throat and chest increase coughing and irritation. Gargling with warm salt water can help remove mucus and bacteria from the throat and relieve symptoms.

What Can Help Treat Pneumonia?

Turmeric: In South Asia, this golden spice has been used for centuries to treat respiratory problems, pain, and fatigue. Try turmeric foods, supplements, or teas to see if they help. Also, consult your doctor to see if it will affect your medications.

Stay hydrated. Even when you are healthy, you must drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. However, it is essential if you have pneumonia, as it helps dissolve mucus in the lungs.

Is Ginger Good for Pneumonia?

Recent studies have shown that ginger has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. As with turmeric, current ginger research has not verified a definite benefit for chest pain, but you can consume harmless, moisturizing ginger to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of pneumonia. Loose or packaged ginger tea is available at your local grocery store or online. You can also make your own ginger tea with fresh ginger.

What Is the Treatment and Prevention of Pneumonia?

Pneumonia can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Pneumonia can be prevented through immunizations, proper nutrition, and management of environmental factors. Bacterial pneumonia can be treated with antibiotics, and doctors also prescribe antifungal agents. However, home remedies play an important role in speeding up the healing process.

What Foods Can Cure Pneumonia?

A high-protein diet is helpful for patients with pneumonia. Foods such as nuts, seeds, legumes, white meat, and cold-water fish such as salmon and sardines have anti-inflammatory properties. They also help repair damaged tissue in the body and build new tissue.

Treatment of Fever During Pneumonia

When a person has pneumonia, he or she may develop a fever suddenly or over several days. If treated, it will resolve within a week.

Over-the-counter pain
relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil) can help reduce fever and relieve pain under the direction of a physician. If possible, take pain relievers with meals or on a full stomach. This reduces the risk of nausea and other side effects.

Drink fenugreek tea – A 2018 study found that drinking fenugreek tea induced sweating. Sweating cools the body and helps reduce fever.

Hydration – Drinking enough fluids and electrolytes when you have a fever will help prevent dehydration.

Tepid bath or compress – Soaking in a tepid bath can help lower the body temperature. If you do not like taking baths, you can use lukewarm water to cool your body from the outside. Lukewarm water provides a more gradual and comfortable temperature change.

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