What we eat and how we eat it affect our health. The foods we eat can positively or negatively impact our health. Therefore, the older we get, the more aware we need to be of what we are feeding our bodies. As we grow older, we need to change our diet and eat more superfoods. So without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and discover the importance of superfoods in the diet of older adults.
1. Dark green leaves
Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, dandelion leaves, and arugula are important superfoods in any older person’s diet. Dark leafy vegetables contain high doses of vitamin K, which helps blood clot and can reduce brittle bones. Add this vegetable to your salad or cook it in a pasta sauce to easily reach your daily vitamin K intake!
2. Green tea
It aids in digestion and can even help boost your metabolism. If you suffer from constipation, then a few cups of green tea can ease your discomfort. In addition, if you or the older adult you are caring for is overeating, a cup or two of green tea can act as an appetite suppressant. Green tea is rich in vitamins and nutrients. Serve it with some honey or lemon, and enjoy!
3. Salmon
Salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 acids help lower fat levels in the blood, which in turn helps reduce the risk of heart disease. Roast your salmon in the oven at 425 degrees with a drizzle of olive oil and season to your taste. Serve it with a whole-grain cereal (like brown rice) and a green vegetable for a wholesome meal that tastes good and is also usually good for you.
4. Dairy products and substitutes
We all need calcium to build strong bones and for nerve and muscle function. Milk and dairy products such as yogurt and cheese are important sources of calcium, vitamins A, D, and B12, proteins, and fats. Vitamin D is needed for one’s body to absorb calcium and therefore plays an important role in strengthening bones.
Milk in gravy and milk pudding are good ways to help you get enough calcium. Try to choose lower-fat varieties, such as semi-skim or low-fat milk, cottage cheese, Edam cheese, and semi-fat cheddar cheese. Semi-skim and low-fat milk contain as much calcium as whole milk. If you buy milk substitutes such as almond or soy milk, choose unsweetened varieties that are fortified with calcium.
5. Whole grains
They are rich in fiber, which aids digestion and helps protect the body from certain diseases like constipation. Some of the best whole grains include brown rice, oatmeal, wheat germ, and quinoa. Senior homes are always willing to help older people and their families with professional advice and services. If you’re thinking about how to support your aging parent or relative, consider including us in your plans. Contact our care team today!
6. Potatoes, Bread, Rice, Pasta, And Other Starchy Carbohydrates
You should eat plenty of starchy and high-fiber foods. Starchy foods such as potatoes, bread, pasta, and rice are a good source of energy, fiber, and B vitamins and should serve as the basis for meals. Choose higher fiber and whole grains varieties, such as whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, or potatoes without the skins. Not only are they low in fat and high in fiber, but they are also good sources of other important nutrients- protein, vitamins, and minerals.
Breakfast cereals are an excellent start to the day: they are a good source of energy, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Opt for whole grains and whole oats. The fiber they contain helps prevent constipation, which reduces the risk of some common intestinal problems. Remember to increase the amount of fiber slowly, as intestinal discomfort, gas, and bloating can occur if large amounts are consumed or if the amount of fiber consumed is increased very quickly.
Fluids play a crucial role in allowing the fiber to enter our bodies. We should strive to drink six to eight glasses of fluid daily. Water, low-fat milk, and sugar-free beverages, including tea and coffee, all count. Do not buy raw bran and just sprinkle it on your food to increase fiber content, as this may prevent your body from absorbing some other important minerals.
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